- If you contact us via our contact form to “Request New Member Interview” for membership and/ or if you contact us via the “Contact Us” form to submit inquiries for information.
- If you contact us via our web “Contact Us” form, we collect personal information such as your name and e-mail address and phone number. We use this information to improve the Diplomatic Council website and to provide a proper response to your inquiry.
- If you contact us via our “Request an Interview” web form, we collect personal information such as your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, birth date, LinkedIn profile, Company or Organization, job title, industry, education information, publications and information related to why you would be a good match to join the Diplomatic Council. We use this information to ensure that you are appropriate to join the Diplomatic Council.
- If you choose to “Sign up for our Newsletter”, we collect your name and e-mail address. We use this information to send you the Diplomatic Council newsletter.
- If you “Register” to attend an event, we collect personal information, including your name, address, Company/ Organization name, title, e-mail address and credit card details to process payment for fees to attend events.
- We use this information to process payment for the event, update you with event details and provide other related information to you.
- If you sign up to our Newsletter, we disclose information about you to our employees and/ or agents for them to send you our newsletter.
- If you register to attend an event, we disclose information about you to our employees and/ or third parties that may be hosting the event you register to receive information on event(s) with Diplomatic Council to our employees and agents for them to provide you with information on event(s) in the category(ies) you have registered.
- If ownership or operational control of all or part of the site is transferred, for whatever reason, we may disclose your personal information to the transferee.
- If we are required to comply with any applicable law or valid legal process or if we have to enforce our Terms, we may disclose your personal information for those legal or regulatory requirements.
- If we do give your information to the third parties set out above, we will always require they they use your information in a way that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.
- We may share non-personal aggregated statistics data about visitors to the site with third parties and download and traffic patterns with our publishing partners and other third parties. Just to be clear, this information does not identify users in any personal capacity; it just gives generalized information about the users of the site.
Please do not send us your information if you do not want it to be transferred to or stored outside the EEA. By providing your information to us, you agree and consent to us transferring to and storing your information at, a destination outside the EEA.

If you no longer wish to receive newsletters, either contact us at info

Updating your details
If you wish to update your member profile then please contact us at info

Your personal data
You have the right to obtain a copy of the personal information that we hold about you, whether collected through your use of this site or through any communications that you have had with us. You will need to provide us with a written, signed request (e-mails are not accepted). We will provide this information free of charge for one request per calendar year. If you require more frequent copies of your information, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable administrative fee to cover our costs for providing this information. If you have any queries about your right or wish to make such a request, please contact us by post addressed to the Head of Communications, Diplomatic Council, Muehlhohle 2, 65205 Wiesbaden, Germany, and we will do our best to resolve these within a reasonable time.
If you have a complaint about how we have used your information, you have the right to complain to the EU General Data Protection Regulation Authority or your national data protection Authority.

This site is owned and operated by The Diplomatic Council Non-Governmental Organization, registered with the United Nations Civil Society NGO as an “integrated Civil Society Organization (iCSO) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). Registration according to the “2015 Resumed Session of the ECOSOC NGO Committee“ (E/C.2/2015/R.2Add.26/4) on 26./27.5.2015 in line with article 71 of the UN Charta .
Contact details:
Diplomatic Council (UN reg.),
Jacob de Graefflaan 2,
2517 JM, The Hague, The Netherlands,
represented by H.E. Ambassador Buddhi K. Athauda,

Phone +49611973150. Posted: 5 June 2018
The Diplomatic Council (DC) is a United Nations registered Civil Society Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). The DC belongs to the "Integrated Civil Society Organizations“ (iCSO) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) which is responsible for the interaction between civil society organizations like the Diplomatic Council and the United Nations Organization.
Das Diplomatic Council (DC) ist eine bei den Vereinten Nationen (UN) registrierte zivilgesellschaftliche Nicht-Regierungs-Organisation (NGO). Das DC gehört zu den „integrated Civil Society Organizations“ (iCSO) des United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), das für die Kommunikation zwischen zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen wie dem Diplomatic Council und den Vereinten Nationen verantwortlich ist.
UNO-Registrierung: Als Ergebnis der „2015 Resumed Session of the ECOSOC NGO Committee“ (E/C.2/2015/R.2Add.26/4) am 26./27.5.2015 gemäß Artikel 71 der UN Charta wurde das Diplomatic Council (UNO reg.) in den Kreis der akkreditierten Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen des Wirtschafts- und Sozialrats (Economic and Social Council, kurz ECOSOC) aufgenommen.
Betreiber des Diplomatic Council ist u.a. der Diplomatic Council e.V. (VR 6635 Wiesbaden, UST-Id DE281553806)
Muehlhohle 2
65205 Wiesbaden, Deutschland
Tel. +49 611-973150, Fax +49 611 719290
E-Mail: infodiplomatic-council [dot] org
Web: www.diplomatic-council.org
Inhaltlich verantwortlich gemäß §6 MDStV:
Frau Hang Nguyen, Generalsekretärin
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Frau Hang Nguyen (Anschrift wie oben)
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Frau Hang Nguyen (Anschrift wie oben)
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